Sunday, 2 December 2012

Riding the cockroach

The contemptuous laughter jabbed
the heart of the lovely fiend
Like a derisive moan of lovers.
The shallow craft
culminates picayune and piffle.

Rhea, Penguin rode on cockroach
And piercing the tunnel that mirrors
the globe in an eddy rotunda.

Mind thrilled; building castle in the air
Drinking to stupor from reverie gourd
Shearing with palm wine drinkered
the hallucinating fable.
A distant cookoo echoed
Like bong dripping tone
Struck eardrum like traditional
Drum of Sango, jostling my medullar
to ponder the yonder of SAVANNAH.

The acclaimed patriot of ANTHILLS,
The vortex of crafted moral,
The harbinger of right and fortune,
A paradigm of prime


If ingratitude is the reward to patriot,
Let him carry on!
If ‘one nation’ clamoured and sustained
By premier derailed the tame,
I begin to ask!!
If stoppage of diversity gave birth
To the titular that does not have opinion
Of his own,
Let him defend it!!!

Maybe or maybe critics will gather
the rubble and mould the pebble
and stone the ingrate waddling in shame!

Maybe or maybe not scholars will mend
the abyss, journey down the matrix
Of the polity,
and search the rainbow
and find the colour that suits
the garment of Nigeria outfit.

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