Sunday, 2 December 2012


By those instructive tools, we envisage,
Through our dogged alutas, we envisage,
Though our voices may fade and our revolutionary scolds derail, we envisage,
Though our fighting tools be blunt, and
Our warning flutes be dull, we envisage,
That victory may race up to us as the Scandinavian ‘’BEOWULF’’,
And triumph may cling unto our embrace
Like a virtuous bride who brings unto her hubby prosperity.

From our austere huts and sick beds, we envisage,
From our spiritual shrines and mediocre jobs, we envisage,
From our pedagogic classes where chalks fail to write, and
Markers are fading away with no moon for replacement, we envisage,
From our ‘’fueless’’ kitchens where our cooking stoves are redundant, and
In our houses where darkness is now light, we envisage,
From under the fruitless trees
Where moonlight tales are told by starving elders, we envisage,
That things will soon transfigure for the better, and bliss flourish in abundance.

Because lacklustre and cowardice will not make things go fine,
For we shall take the bull by the horn, now
We possess our destiny in our hands.
With us the rhetoric’s of our antecedents be our incantations,
The literatures of reason and revolution anchor our gatherings,
For as we match as one race and language,
Holding with us the imperial decrees of those great men as our legislative maze,
We match to that rocky palace built far away from the status quo
Of the suffering masses.
We shant be swayed by the aroma of tasteless meals, purging
From the treasury of the nation courtesy of inexpert chefmanship,
As one, we go to confisticate our rights hidden long ago
Under the cesspit of ‘’aso rock’’,
For we won’t be reluctantly fed with our resources they have made their birthrights,
For their transformational agenda are omens of the perilous times,
Our fates face the sinister romance fried as smoke fish in their pans,
We shall match in communion to resurrect our life buried seeds,
Laid with cruelty in the presidential morgue where it dweller meets with his cabals,
So, from there, we shall envisage our reformative JOSIAH
Who shall bring into our land an agendum that gives birth to classical agenda.

                                                     - Babajide Michael Oluwasegun

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