Sunday, 2 December 2012

The Longest Night

Day crept into the darkest night           
Like an unannounced visitation of thieves.
Night habitually welcomes day,
Like a long lost prodigal son
With warm hearty and glorious embrace.

Night, only garment that suits the day,
Only bosom companion that never betrays,
Longest night cover me as you cover your friend.
If longest night were oratorio,
I will sing it like concerto till it reaches crescendo.

 Longest night in earnest I wish to see face.
I’m innocuous; I mean no harm.
Let me be your friend like twilight and dew.
I know you’re shortlived, but cool and still.
I promise to be loyal till the end will come.

But longest night, why are you so cool?
Why does man treat you like a domestic fowl?
Why do you keep mute in the face of shame?
Why do you answer the name you weren’t christened?
Wickedness is the son of night,
To you, not only the son but legitimate one.

When did you become a mousy
Who has no strong personality?
Are you not the ravening cloud that possesses the sky?
Are you not the visitor of heaven and earth?

Take the shame no more and reject abuse,
Reject the rod whipping you at the back,
And raise eyebrows to the swollen buffoon.

Ho! Long night I wish you have pudenda,
I would have sharpened my phallus
And descend on you in an amorous ecstacy
And stay on you forever and ever.


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