Sunday, 2 December 2012

"Unending War"

This war cannot end
This wound will not dry
This rain will not stop
This storm will not cease
Until it falls on us
and protest storm strikes the buffoon.

We will fight this war of protest,
To the last drop of our blood.
If gods and goddesses are not favourable,
They should leave man to his own perils.
If this land is not conducive
Then we find solace elsewhere.

But this war will not end;
The hatchets of the war of the last century
are still boiling in their sheathes.
Why on earth should the butcher’s heir
be eating the driest bone?
If I have not witnessed any other war,
That of ‘Adubi’ was in my full glare.

 We must fight this war;
If water poured on the head
Refused to touch the toe,
The fingernails must bear witness.
Tread no more on my farm
must one day be put to an end.

We must put an end to this cronyism.
As long as lice remain in the hair
Blood would continue to dot the fingernail.
As long as there is no equal distribution
This war will not go to the stream to drink.


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